Regular inspections will help avoid plumbing problems
When it comes to your plumbing, it is always better to take precautionary measures than to wind up with a big plumbing disaster. Do not ignore troubling signs when it comes to your plumbing. Ignoring a plumbing issue could lead to bigger plumbing problems and more costly expenses. Below, are 4 things to check when it comes to your plumbing system in Tampa Bay.
1. Leaky Faucets
Leaky faucets will cause higher water bills. The constant drip of a leaky faucet can be annoying, but do not try to fix this problem yourself unless you know what you are doing. Trying to fix the plumbing problem yourself could create an even bigger plumbing problem. If you need assistance, do not hesitate to call the professionals at Cass Plumbing. Our trained and licensed plumbing professionals can fix your leaky faucets in no time.
When it comes to compression faucets, rubber washers often wear out; they must be replaced occasionally. Most leaking compression faucets need new seat washers. If you replace the washers and your faucet continues to leak, then you might have a pitted seat. Remove the stem and grind the valve seat with a valve-seat dresser. When it comes to ball type faucets, finding the cause of the leak can be difficult since it contains a lot of parts. Sometimes it is recommended to buy a whole new replacement kit and put in all new parts. Do not ignore your leaky faucet. If you need proof of how much water a leaky faucet can waste, simply place a bucket underneath the faucet in question and leave it overnight. This can show you how much water is wasted.
Calling Cass Plumbing to fix your leaky faucet in a timely manor will help prevent higher water bills.
2. The Water Pressure 
Low water pressure may be indicative of something as simple as sediment buildup in a shower head, or as serious as a problem with the water lines that feed your water supply. A main shut-off valve may be partially closed or bad, and restricting water flow to the house. A pipe leak under the floor or in the ground at the pipe from the street to the house (service pipe) can also cause low water pressure. The water delivered to your home should be between 35 and 80 psi (pounds per square inch). Throughout the Tampa region most local water utilities typically use regulators that deliver water between 50 and 70 psi, but a problem within your plumbing system could cause this pressure to change once it reaches your home. Low water pressure can be caused by many things. Simple problems like the shut-off valve being closed or a faucet being blocked can cause low water pressure. More serious issues like plumbing blockages or water leaks decrease water pressure, too. Often, the problem is high water pressure. Having your water pressure too high can lead to a huge plumbing disaster.
To check the water pressure in your home yourself, you can purchase a residential water pressure gauge kit. Once you get a water pressure gauge kit, you should select a water outlet that is close to your home’s main water supply source. Make sure that you turn off anything that uses water inside your home, including appliances and faucets. When using a gauge to test water pressure, you are testing the static water pressure. You could get a false low reading if there is any water that is moving in your plumbing system. Attach the gauge to the water outlet. Open the water supply valve that controls the outlet that the gauge is attached to. Make sure that you slowly open the valve until it is fully open. When the needle in the gauge stops moving, read the pressure. If it is below 50 psi or higher than 75 psi, your pressure reducing valve may be faulty or you may not have one installed on your water supply lines. It is recommended that you do at least a couple tests to make sure each reading is somewhat similar to one another. If you have a reading that is too high or too low, you should contact Cass Plumbing immediately and address the issue.
3. Leaks in Plumbing Pipes 
A leaky faucet is one thing, but leaky pipes is something completely different altogether. This is generally a much more complex plumbing repair. If you notice wet spots on your walls, ceilings, or floors, then it may be that you need to repair and/or replace your piping before you incur serious water damage. Stop the leak until you can repair or replace the pipe. Shut off the water valve to the pipe. Turn on the faucets to drain the water that is left in the pipes. Wipe the pipe dry with a towel or cloth. Also, be on the lookout for mildew, which could be indicative of standing water (and a leak). The vast majority of leaks occur at or near plumbing fixtures like tubs, sinks, and toilets. If you know that it is a leak in your piping, you should call Cass Plumbing as soon as possible to get the issue taken care of to prevent further damage or increased bills.
4. Plumbing Corrosion
Pipes corrode when the metal from the piping dissolves into the water as a result of various causes, causing pipe failure and corrosion of water heaters, appliances and fixtures. Corrosion in plumbing systems is due to physical and chemical reactions between the pipe material and water.Corrosion can be a big problem, and it has the potential to be detrimental to your water system. It can cause lasting damage on your water system, but it can also have harmful effects on the environment. If your pipes are corroded, you might possibly have to replace all the pipes in your system. To check for corrosion, you can test your water for copper. An abnormal level of copper can cause corrosion in your pipes. You can also check for rust because rust is a common by-product of corrosion. The easiest way to check for this is through your toilet tank. You can also inspect the exterior of your pipes and see if there are any pinhole leaks. If there are any leaks, you can know that it’s caused by corrosion if there are rusty, bluish, white or salt-looking sediments or stains around the leaks.
Do not allow small plumbing issues to become bigger issues that could potentially cost you a lot of money. If you need help when it comes to your Tampa Bay plumbing system – whether it deals with leaky faucets, water pressure, leaks in your piping, corrosion, or more – call the Best Plumber in the Tampa region, call Cass Plumbing!
Cass Plumbing of Tampa Bay is recommended by Best Plumbers, has earned an A+ rating with the Tampa Bay Better Business Bureau, has hundreds upon hundreds of 5 star reviews from Home Advisor, and has thousands of satisfied customers throughout the Tampa Bay region.