The Impact of Plumbing on Health and the Environment
Modern-day marvels like cellphones and driverless cars are incredible, however, it’s an invention from 1700 BC that’s made the biggest impact on our modern-day living.
We’ve come a long way from that first flush toilet in the Roman Empire province of Crete, to the Roman aqueducts that carried 1.2 billion liters of water every day, to our current day low flow toilets and energy efficient Energy Star-rated plumbing appliances.
We may take for granted our ability to have flushing toilets and hot showers inside our home, however there are still many places worldwide where this is not available. A lack of basic sanitary and plumbing systems can have a huge impact on a community’s health, life expectancy and environment.
According to the World Plumbing Council:
• 2.1 billion or 3 in 10 people worldwide lack access to safe, readily available water at home.
• More than 1 billion people gained access to piped supplies between the years 2000 and 2015.
• 4.5 billion people or 6 in 10 people do not have toilets in their home.
• 361,000 children under the age of 5 die each year due to water born diarrhea because of water contamination.
Did you know?…
In your Shower:
Did you know most of us take an 8-minute shower? According to the EPA calculations, that means we use 20 gallons every time we shower. Cut your shower time by four minutes each day to help reduce your water usage and you will save 10 gallons of water a day. That will save 3,700 gallons of water over the course of a year!
Did you know that letting your faucet run hot water for five minutes uses about as much energy as a 60-watt bulb uses for 22 hours?!
Did you know that if you shower with a bucket on the shower floor you can capture up to a gallon of wasted water?! Use that bucket full of water on your garden!
In your Toilets:
Did you know that undetected internal leaks from tank to bowl can waste up to 100 gallons a day? Listen to your toilets for a dripping, hissing noise of leaking water or take the dye test to see if your toilet is leaking water.
Did you know the water around the bottom of your toilet means there’s likely a leak around its base? Check out these easy steps to fix the leak around the bottom of your toilet.
In your home appliances:
Did you know plumbing methods and products have not only made our lives more convenient, they are helping us to conserve water too? From dishwashers to washing machines, technology has improved the way our home appliances function. If you have an old model appliance, consider an upgrade to an Energy Star-rated version. You can find a list of Energy Star certified products and information here.
The plumbing professionals at Cass Plumbing may not have helped Julius Caesar with his clogged drains, but they can certainly help you with yours. Cass Plumbing is committed to doing our part to help our customers’ homes be environmentally friendly and conservation conscious. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your plumbing and drain cleaning services for your home.
The world is a big place and Cass Plumbing is dedicated to doing our part in the Tampa region to make sure your home has plumbing and sanitary systems that are safe, convenience and functional.
Need Plumbing Maintenance? Call Cass Plumbing!
If your Tampa home need plumbing repair, call the Tampa plumbing professionals at Cass Plumbing.

The plumbing professionals at Cass Plumbing have solving plumbing problems throughout the Tampa region for 2 decades. Cass Plumbing has earned an A+ Rating with the Tampa Better Business Bureau, are ranked as the Best Plumber in the Tampa area by Best Plumbers and have received over 1,000 – 5 star reviews. At Cass Plumbing of Tampa Bay, we are here to serve you for all your plumbing needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.