Putting Off Plumbing Repairs Will Cost You

Often, homeowners in Tampa think they have a good reason for postponing plumbing repairs. But whether your budget is a bit tight or you’re too busy to deal with the issue, hesitating to call a professional plumber, like Cass Plumbing, could put you in a bigger bind. Right now, your clog, leak or plumbing malfunction might seem like a minor inconvenience. But without prompt attention, small issues can cost you. Here’s why you should take care of plumbing repairs as quickly as possible. Water Waste Drippy faucets and leaky pipes might not seem like huge problems, but think about how...

A Case For Cass

I would like to start off this week's blog & personally thank everyone that responded about the blog post on Twitter last week. I would also like to add that none of these blog posts have been dictated or directed by Dave Cass SR or Dave Cass Junior. I am Jim Louis, the owner & operator of Best Plumbers®. At Best Plumbers® we: Research, review & recommend plumbing companies throughout the United States. For the Tampa Bay region we recommend Cass Plumbing. In this week's blog I am going make a case for Cass. I am going to explain why you should call Cass Plumbing if you have a pl...